Ergebnis Nordeuropäische Meisterschaft
Die erste Ausgabe der Nordeuropäischen Meisterschaft, die in Hellerup (Kopenhagen) ausgesegelt wurde, hat Sören Dulong Andreasen (DEN) gewonnen. Er gewann fünf der zehn Rennen. Max Billerbeck (Elmshorn) landete auf Rang 2 (drei Laufsiege). Je eine Wettfahrt gewannen Jacob Kristensen (Rang 3) und Jesper Armbrust (Rang 4), beide DEN.
Christian Krupp (Hamburg) und Klassenpräsi Sebastian Vagt (Brüssel) wurden 5. bzw. 6. Am Start war auch GCA-Mitglied Tobias Jokisch, der in Norwegen lebt und nach 12 Jahren sein Contender-Comeback feierte.
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The Contender North European Championship was sailed this weekend from the famous Hellerup Sejlklub. Participants included people living in Belgium, Norway, Germany and Denmark. It was a warm weekend for the season, around 16 degrees.
Saturday was around 4-6 m/s, lots of clouds made the wind very shifty and as the race course was set close to land it also varied in wind speed.
Sunday the wind picked up to 5-7 m/s and still shifty. During the last race some very dark clouds came over the race course and the wind speed was above 12m/s. Søren Dulong show “home-court advantage” on the first day with 4 bullets and a third, closely follow by the world champion Max and also local hero Jacob. Sunday saw more close racing between Max and Soren, Max took the bullet in 2 races, Soren, Jesper and Jacob each took one bullet. But at the end Soren won with 13 point, Max 18 and Jacob 30.
Soren’s father had build a trophy for the regatta and it was handed out to the sailor that had had the longest drive to get to the regatta. The trophy is made from the remains of the first Club Contender in Denmark, many current contender DK sailors had their first contender sailing experience in the boat.
The trophy was handed out to Tobias Jokisch from Norway who promised to return next year!
Regatta, Dänemark, Hellerup, Kopenhagen
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